Features VI “In the Footsteps of Giants” 肩負巨人的使命,亦步亦趨的前進,布拉姆斯在歷經二十年歲月的琢磨,終在四十三歲完成第一號交響曲,這一步跨越貝多芬第九所立下的偉大交響曲門檻,使他成為浪漫交響曲創作的新巨人。而這些動人的樂曲背後,總有其不為人知的波折,十九世紀歐洲音樂圈著名的絕代佳人克拉拉,身為舒曼的妻子、同時亦是布拉姆斯的心靈伴侶,錯綜複雜的緣分,讓兩位作曲家內心亦師亦友的情分也增添了許多隱含的糾結。舒曼鋼琴協奏曲構思十四年,直到與克拉拉幾經波折終成連理,在愛妻的激勵之下終於完成,曲中蘊涵著無數寫給克拉拉的愛之密碼。 《奧伯龍》序曲充滿戲劇性的開場,韋伯引領大家走進仲夏夜夢境之時空隧道,在指揮約翰˙尼爾森的詮釋下,偕同「擁有強烈音樂性表達力」的日本鋼琴家小菅優,讓韋伯、舒曼與布拉姆斯的音樂在二十一世紀的時空,重新述說著內心深處的秘語。
Soldiering on with the destiny of a giant, 43-year-old Brahms finally completed his first symphony after 20 years of cultivation. With this piece he surpassed the bar set by Beethoven’s magnificent Symphony No.9, and became the new giant of Romantic symphonies. However, great works usually carry great angst behind them. Clara Schumann, famous musician during 19th century Europe, was the wife of Robert Schumann, and soulmate of Brahms. These complicated and tangled emotions constantly threatened to tip the delicate relationship between the two male composers. Schumann spent 14 years composing his Piano Concerto, and was unable to finish it until he finally married Clara and received endless encouragement from her. It is not difficult to sense the codes of love Schumann slipped into his composition for his beloved wife. Oberon Overture opens dramatically, as Weber invites all to enter the midsummer’s night dream through the tunnel of time. Guest conductor John Nelson teams up with Japanese pianist Yu Kosuge who is known to “give powerful and passionate performances” tonight to unravel the deepest secrets of Weber, Schumann, and Brahms.
演出曲目韋伯:《奧伯龍》序曲 C. M. v. Weber: Oberon Overture 舒曼:A小調鋼琴協奏曲,作品54 R. Schumann: Piano Concerto in A minor, Op.54 布拉姆斯:C小調第一號交響曲,作品68 J. Brahms: Symphony No.1 in C minor, Op.68 客席指揮:約翰‧尼爾森 Guest Conductor: John Nelson 擅長詮釋浪漫樂派大型作品的尼爾森,擁有豐富多變的曲目,尤其是對白遼士研究深入,《留聲機雜誌》曾評論他「以精確和全面的說服力駕馭音樂愉悅的前行;他的音樂確實觸及了白遼士所企盼的神韻、活力兼具的境界!」他指揮過倫敦、巴黎、萊比錫布商大廈、芝加哥、費城、克里夫蘭、紐約愛樂等世界一流樂團。 專精於合唱聖樂領域,並曾在如紐約大都會歌劇院、芝加哥抒情歌劇院、巴黎歌劇院等多世界主要歌劇殿堂演出,指揮貝多芬《莊嚴彌撒》、海頓《創世紀》、巴赫《馬太受難曲》等以實況錄影發行系列DVD,在DG唱片發行的韓德爾歌劇《瑟梅蕾》獲葛萊美獎,為Erato錄製的白遼士歌劇《貝翠絲與本尼迪克》)則獲法國金音叉獎。
鋼琴:小菅優 Piano: Yu Kosuge 小菅優以精湛的技巧、靈敏的觸鍵以及深刻的音樂詮釋,在年輕一輩的鋼琴家中受到矚目。九歲時即與東京新城市管弦樂團彈奏協奏曲。1993年赴歐深造,先後在漢諾威及薩爾茲堡求學。第一次在卡內基音樂廳舉辦獨奏會便取得巨大的成功,當地樂評稱讚她的演奏擁有「敏銳的詩意…慧黠、戲劇性,並散發出光潔的抒情性。」 小菅優曾受邀至薩爾茲堡藝術節、荷蘭音樂節、法國里爾鋼琴音樂節、拉羅克•翁迪宏國際鋼琴音樂節和南特「熱狂之日」音樂節演奏。此外她和小澤征爾(Seiji Ozawa)與新日本愛樂的巡演,獲得樂迷熱情支持及樂評的交相讚譽。 她發行的首張CD是蕭邦的《練習曲集》,榮獲德國《音響論壇》雜誌五顆星的評價。另外,索尼出版了她的李斯特《十二首超技練習曲》、蕭邦《前奏曲與夜曲》、卡內基音樂廳獨奏會現場錄音等。 |